Home Business Canada Goose announces new Inuit parka line

Canada Goose announces new Inuit parka line

by The 100 Companies

Canada Goose has partnered with 18 Inuit designers to create a line of one-of-a-kind parkas inspired by life in the North. Each of the talented designers created five garments representative of their culture and community, resulting in 90 custom designs.

There is beauty in the Atigi 2.0 collection’s mission, too. Canada Goose will not profit from the coats sold. Each coat has a price tag of $2,500, and all proceeds will go to Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, a nonprofit that supports the well-being of the Inuit community. 

Keep an eye out for these masterpieces. Canada Goose says they’ll be available “early 2020.”

Caitlin Weaver, The Alaska 100

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