Home Business Thumbs up, thumbs down

Thumbs up, thumbs down

by The 100 Companies

Thumbs up:

New heart: North Pole man who missed opportunities for heart transplant surgery due to weather, travel delays finally gets his day.

Food assistance: Long-delayed relief for SNAP recipients sails through legislature, is signed by governor.

Heroism medals: Alaska Native heroes receive medals recognizing their role in rescuing downed airmen 68 years ago.

Willow: Long-pursued oil project gets the thumbs up from the Feds.

Thumbs down:

Payment mess: Contractor sues Anchorage for payment for work building a homeless shelter. Squabbling between city officials holding things up.

Vandalism: Campaign sign vandalism hits a new high (or low) this election cycle.

Sarah Erkmann Ward, Blueprint Alaska

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