Home Public AffairsEducation Words matter: 3 tips for inclusive language in the workplace

Words matter: 3 tips for inclusive language in the workplace

by The 100 Companies

“Progress, not perfection.” That’s a big takeaway from a recent article in Fast Company about using inclusive language in the workplace. Here are a few guidelines to be more inclusive in your language choices:

• Put people first. For example, say, “a person experiencing homelessness,” not “a homeless person.”

•  Use genderless language. For example, say, “everyone” instead of “you guys.” 

• Ask if you are not sure. If you see a name that is hard to pronounce, ask a person in the know to help you pronounce it correctly. 

AP Style also has great recommendations for writing about diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Ashleigh Ebert, The Alaska 100

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The Alaska 100