Home Lifestyle The 907: 2020 Alaska travel trends

The 907: 2020 Alaska travel trends

by The 100 Companies
alaska scenery

Did you or anyone you know Google “trip to Alaska” in 2019? As the No. 6 most searched destination in that category in the world, Alaska has its sights set high for 2020.

With an estimated 1.41 million cruise ship visitors, coupled with a steadily growing winter tourism season (hey, aurora!), there is a chance for 2020 to be an even better season.

A few trends we’re seeing:

• Multi-generational travel is in, so invite the entire family.

•  Sustainable travel is key for eco-conscious visitors.

•  Food, glorious food! The culinary scene keeps growing.

Discover what else is new for 2020 in Alaska.

Bri Kelly, The Alaska 100

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