Home LifestyleLiving Tips for navigating break-up season in Alaska

Tips for navigating break-up season in Alaska

Spring in Alaska

The sun is returning. Spring is here. As exciting as the thought of summer is, break-up season means potholes appear out of nowhere. Dog poo that has been frozen in a veil of snow will thaw. Dirty roads make your windshield incapable of being clean for more than a minute. While enjoying all of this, don’t forget:

1. Change those tires. Deadlines vary by area. Know yours to avoid a ticket.

2. Report potholes so they can be fixed quickly.

3. Cut the crap. Participate in Scoop the Poop Day.

4. Watch out for wildlife. If you see something concerning, report it here.

Kelsey Fiedler, The Alaska 100

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