Home Public AffairsEducation Zebra mussels + moss balls: invasive species alert!

Zebra mussels + moss balls: invasive species alert!

by The 100 Companies

Calling all home aquarium owners: zebra mussels, a highly invasive freshwater mussel species, have been discovered on aquatic marimo moss balls sold in aquarium and pet supply stores in Alaska.

What can you do to help?

1. Never dump aquarium fish, animals, plants or water into lakes, rivers or storm drains. It can cause devastating consequences for Alaska waters, and it’s also illegal.

2. Call the invasive species hotline at 1-877-INVASIV to find out how to safely handle these moss balls and aquarium contents.

3. Follow the guidelines to destroy and dispose of moss balls and aquarium water on our @wefishak Instagram page.

Tammy Davis, Alaska Department of Fish and Game

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