Home LifestyleLiving Race to Alaska returns after two-year hiatus

Race to Alaska returns after two-year hiatus

by The 100 Companies

Self-reliance, a boat and 750 miles of cold saltwater. It starts in Port Townsend, Washington, and finishes in Ketchikan, Alaska. It’s the Race to Alaska.

After two canceled years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fortitudinous racers can now apply to compete in the race of a lifetime and potentially take home the cash prize of $10,000. Second place? A set of steak knives.

Any boat without an engine can enter. The goal is simple: Make it to Ketchikan without any outside help, including supply drops, along the way. In 2019, 25 of 45 teams finished.

The race returns on June 13.

Malia Barto, Blueprint AK

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