Home LifestyleLiving Talkeetna Bachelor Society raises $75,000 for women and children in need

Talkeetna Bachelor Society raises $75,000 for women and children in need

by The 100 Companies

Talkeetna Bachelor Society is best known as host of the Wilderness Woman Competition and infamous Bachelor Auction, but its impact goes far beyond wild winter sport and bidding on mountain men.

This year it raised over $75,000 for Mat-Su charities supporting women and children. Some top recipients this year include Upper Susitna Food Pantry ($5,000) and healthy food and lifestyle programs for Talkeetna Elementary and Susitna Valley Jr/Sr High school (over $10,000).

You don’t have to wait until next December to join them in supporting the community. Visit their website to donate year-round or get involved in next year’s event.

– Liz Baker, The Alaska 100

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