Home Public AffairsEducation Kotzebue artist shares parka sewing tradition

Kotzebue artist shares parka sewing tradition

by The 100 Companies

“I think that sometimes, as Indigenous people, we don’t equate what we do as artwork,” Maija Katak Lukin said. “It’s important for people to understand that it is a form of traditional art.”

Lukin is an Inupiaq skin sewer who lives in Kotzebue, Alaska and was recently selected for a 2021 Individual Artist Award by the Rasmuson Foundation. Lukin is going to replicate a family fur parka using the materials, furs, and tools her great grandmother used.

Lukin will be documenting the process as a tutorial and plans to purchase filming equipment using part of the Rasmuson Foundation grant money.

Tak Marrero, The Alaska 100

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